Life, Mental health, Mental Health & Wellbeing, Physical health

If A Thing Is Worth Doing – It’s Worth Doing Badly

I appreciate effort. No matter how small, silly or irrelevant, I appreciate effort. Billy Chapata If a thing is worth doing it's worth doing badly. Yes. That's right. Badly. I know the saying we grew up with is that if a thing is worth doing it's worth doing well. But I think that version is… Continue reading If A Thing Is Worth Doing – It’s Worth Doing Badly

#StartAConversation, Mental health

How To Prevent Your Own Suicide

“Let them think what they liked, but I didn't mean to drown myself. I meant to swim till I sank -- but that's not the same thing.” ~ Joseph Conrad Obligatory Disclaimer: I am not a qualified mental health professional. Or even an unqualified one. I am not a health care professional of any kind.… Continue reading How To Prevent Your Own Suicide

#StartAConversation, Blogging & Online

Why I Still Love Social Media

I've not had anything to say here for a long time. Or, that's not true. I've had about as much to say as usual, but often I've barely had the executive function to write it down. Too many health issues. And when I have I've kinda been writing a book. So, I've been hanging out on… Continue reading Why I Still Love Social Media

#StartAConversation, Mental health

What’s It Like Being A Borderline?

“In some ways, com­ing to terms with my­self and work­ing to­ward re­cov­ery has been like say­ing “I love you” to some­one but keep­ing a loaded gun hid­den in your back pocket, just in case that per­son pisses you off enough.” ~ Kiera Van Gelder So, those of you who follow me on Twitter may know that I've… Continue reading What’s It Like Being A Borderline?

#StartAConversation, Mental health, Relationships

Neurotypical People Need Therapy

“Someone's therapist knows all about you.” ~Dominic Riccitello Neurotypical should have therapy so that they are better able to navigate their inter-personal relationships more effectively - especially with us non-neurotypicals who've had to go through it already. This is something I've thought about a lot lately, and actually feel quite strongly frustrated about now. See… Continue reading Neurotypical People Need Therapy

Mental health, Mental Health & Wellbeing, Physical health

I’m Never Going To Be On Time, Get Over It

“Punctuality is the virtue of the bored.” ~ Evelyn Waugh I am always late. Always. For everything. No... wait... that's a lie. I manage to be on time to catch flights. But that's only because airport arrivals are designed just right for me. They ask me to be there three hours early. Then when I'm… Continue reading I’m Never Going To Be On Time, Get Over It



"There are risks to antidepressant treatment, but the risks of untreated depression are worse." ~ John Bailey So, the second time I was sick enough to start taking medication the first one they put me on was duloxetine - brand name Cymbalta. This was after I'd taken an overdose and then begun self harming. The… Continue reading Duloxetine

#StartAConversation, Mental health, Mental Health & Wellbeing

Mental Illness Isn’t A Motive For Murder. It Just Isn’t.

“The mentally ill frighten and embarrass us. And so we marginalise the people who most need our acceptance.  What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candour, more unashamed conversation. ~ Glenn Close So, as I see that the ‘mentally ill loner’ trope has reared it’s ugly head again, and as pretty unsociable mentally ill… Continue reading Mental Illness Isn’t A Motive For Murder. It Just Isn’t.

#medications, Mental health, Mental Health & Wellbeing


(Image: Wikimedia) "If you're taking an antidepressant, it's working, and you're not experiencing side effects, go on taking it. But if it's not working, or not working well enough, or if you have side effects you don't like, talk to your doctor about an alternative approach." ~ Irving Kirsch So, I said that I was… Continue reading Paroxetine

#medications, Mental Health & Wellbeing

Some Thoughts On Medication

"It takes, on average, six attempts to find the antidepressant that works for you." ~ my social worker I haven't really mentioned mental health medication since I named this page after one and explained what it was and my experiences of it. And I'm not actually on that one any more. I do make a… Continue reading Some Thoughts On Medication