picture shows a white bowl containing a salad of lentils, millet, green leaves, and pomegranate seeds
Foodie Posts, Living, Physical health

Lifestyle Changes

Very well, I will marry you if you promise not to make me eat eggplant.Gabriel Garcia Marquez Like, I guess, pretty much everybody I've gained a bit of weight during lockdown. Between joining in with the quarantine baking craze and working on the desserts/baked goods section of my cookbook - without being able to parm… Continue reading Lifestyle Changes

Food, Foodie Posts, Life

Gotta Eat To Live

“Seize the moment. Remember all those women on the 'Titanic' who waved off the dessert cart.” ~ Erma Bombeck On Thursday while I was at work I ate a sausage sandwich for breakfast, some chorizo and tomato soup and a chocolate bar for lunch, and a packet of ready salted crisps later in the afternoon.… Continue reading Gotta Eat To Live

herbal tea getty images
Food, Foodie Posts

Because A Cup of Tea Solves Everything

“The very act of preparing and serving tea encourages conversation. The little spaces in time created by teatime rituals call out to be filled with conversation. Even the tea itself–warm and comforting-inspires a feeling of relaxation and trust that fosters shared confidences.” ~ Emilie Barnes, If Teacups Could Talk I think I've mentioned before that I… Continue reading Because A Cup of Tea Solves Everything

Food, Foodie Posts, Life, Physical health

Public Service Announcement

Okay, so if some drunken boys ever happen to give you a beef burger that's been sat outside in the sun all day then cooked on a re-lit barbecue, at night, in the dark - don't eat it. Especially if the burger seems to be of an unusually squishy consistency. Unless you're really, really, really, REALLY… Continue reading Public Service Announcement

Beauty & Style, Body Image, Food, Foodie Posts, Life

How to Trim Your Waistline AND Your Carbon Footprint, Without Even Thinking About It

"We kindly remind you that calories are for eating not counting." ~ from the bottom of a restaurant menu in Oslo. Dieting doesn't work. The entire existence of the dieting industry is a testament to that. Take Weight Watchers for example. Weight Watchers has built a multi-million dollar business on the understanding that while you… Continue reading How to Trim Your Waistline AND Your Carbon Footprint, Without Even Thinking About It

Desserts, Food, Foodie Posts

Holy Bread?

I just found a packet of hot cross buns hidden at the back of a cupboard. They've been there since Easter. They still look exactly the same as they did when I bought them. Now, is this by design? Are hot cross buns baked in some special way to make them a kind of metaphor… Continue reading Holy Bread?

Food, Foodie Posts

Foodie Penpals

"Food is an important part of a balanced diet." ~ Fran Leibowitz So a month ago I saw, and joined, this Foodie Penpals group. The idea is once a month you're sent the address of someone to make a food parcel for, and someone else will be sent your details so that they can make one… Continue reading Foodie Penpals