#medications, Mental Health & Wellbeing

So Mirtazapine

“Sylvie wishes the anti-depressants had been around when she was in her early twenties, not only to rescue her from the dark tunnels that came when her brother first got sick, but also to keep her from fucking all those assholes.” ~ Francesca Lia Block So, as I mentioned last week Mirtazapine was the second medication… Continue reading So Mirtazapine

rouge coco baume - hydrating lip balm
Beauty & Style, Cosmetics, Skin care

Rouge Coco Baume – Hydrating, Conditioning Lip Balm

(Chanel's Image) "CHANEL lip care is a daily pampering step. This irresistible melt–away repairing balm glides on under any CHANEL lipstick. Its ultra–soft formula, featuring the Hydratender complex, leaves lips instantly radiant and lastingly moisturised. Smooth, supple and plumped, lips look more beautiful each day." ~ Chanel I think I've mentioned before that one of… Continue reading Rouge Coco Baume – Hydrating, Conditioning Lip Balm

Life, Mental health, Mental Health & Wellbeing, Physical health, Relationships

Why I’m Giving Up The Demon Drink

“There are two kinds of people I don't trust: people who don't drink and people who collect stickers.”  ~ Chelsea Handler Make-Up and Mirtazapine is not my first attempt at writing a blog. A couple of years ago I slipped a disc in my back and was pretty much immobilised for about four months. At… Continue reading Why I’m Giving Up The Demon Drink

#medications, Mental health, Mental Health & Wellbeing

On Mirtazapine

I thought I should say some more about mirtazapine as it's part of this blog's title. I've been on this  noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressant since May now and only have good things to say about it. It took a bit of getting used to. As I said at the time, the first dose was like taking… Continue reading On Mirtazapine

#medications, Mental health, Mental Health & Wellbeing


For those who don't already know, the mirtazapine referred to in the title is an antidepressant drug. It belongs to a category of noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressants. This basically means that it works to increase the amounts of noradereneline and serotonin in your brain, which in turn work to regulate your mood and hopefully… Continue reading Mirtazapine