Mental health, Mental Health & Wellbeing

Dancing Queen

“I have been told by people that I should not be seen clubbing with good-looking women, but I can’t see why not. Why be a pop star otherwise?” ~ James Blunt

On Saturday afternoon I was having coffee with a friend when I happened to run into a friend of another friend. She invited me to a pub she was going to in the evening with some people I knew, and then on to a club.

I went. I only intended to go to the pub, but I got there so late it would have been rude not to onto the club as well.

And it was great. I had a really good time. I danced for four and a half hours straight. I didn’t drink anything but water.

I didn’t freak out, or have a panic attack, or get paranoid by all the drunk people, the loud noise, or the smoke they kept blowing so much of that I couldn’t see.

Now, don’t worry, I’m not planning on turning this blog into a diary of every little thing that I do. It’s just that even a month ago there was no way I could have gone into a night club, never mind spent four and half hours in one; I could as easily have gone to the moon. A month ago I had a three hour melt down because my letting agent turned up an hour an half earlier than she was supposed to.

I haven’t set foot in any kind of club for at least two years. Between my broken brain and my broken body I just couldn’t have.

And on Saturday I went to one and was not only fine, I actually enjoyed myself.

And since I started writing here with a vague idea about helping people with information about being ill and recovering from being ill, it seemed like a mile stone I should mention. It is possible to get better enough to spend the wee small hours of the night in a darkened warehouse with a few of your friends, hundreds of strangers, a DJ, and a smoke machine.

Well, I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it.


12 thoughts on “Dancing Queen”

  1. This happened to me before! A few times actually. I’m very shy when it comes to saying no, so most times when we were having cocktails and my friends changed from bar to club, I joined them. Sometimes I just felt very uneasy, danced awkwardly and tried to get drunk and sometimes I had so much fun that I was amongst the last people to go home. I think how you feel depends very much on the people you go out with, the mood you were in before and if you manage to relax. And of course the music. In fact, I love trashy 90s parties, there hasn’t been a single one I went to and didn’t enjoy.

    And I just saw you have me in your blogroll! This is so sweet, thank you!



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