
I Was Looking For A Job, And Then I Found A Job

“True courage is being afraid, and going ahead and doing your job anyhow, that’s what courage is.” ~ Norman Schwarzkopf

For those of you who didn’t see my update about the job interview I went to last week. And are actually interested in how it went.

I set off for the interview a bundle of nerves. Thinking that if I’d managed to mess it up so badly the last time when I was feeling really confident about it, now that I was scared of messing it up again it could only be even worse.

I got there twenty minutes early, just like I did the last time. But I remembered that when I’d done the same last time they’d seemed quite put out, so rather than going in I went to the pub round the corner for a sit down. And a Glenfiddich with one lump of ice. It seemed like the best thing for dissolving the knots in my stomach.

I told myself that I hadn’t got the job and this was just a practice, to try to become less invested in the process.

Then I went back and showed up bang on time.

This time the staff were all really friendly, and even seemed pleased to see me.

Two out of three of the interview panel were different people this time. And I vaguely remembered having met one of them before at an industry thing a few years ago. I remembered that she’d been approachable, which I think helped.

And everything went exactly the way it should have in the first interview.

I remembered everything that I’d done, all the things that I do well, all my knowledge about the sector, how things work, what the challenges are. And we basically had a nice chat about working. I think I almost enjoyed myself.

They said they’d call me the next day.

They didn’t.

So I assumed they weren’t interested, and got on with applying for other things.

They called me the next evening and made me a conditional offer. Conditional on all their checks checking out. Which they will.

And in the meantime I’ve got a couple more interviews to go to.

So, the worst case scenario is that I have a new job. A new job that would be really good for me actually. There’ll be shifts and week days off, and so my working schedule won’t be so regimented as it was before. I think that’ll be good for me. And it’s a job that I’m really confident that I can do, and do well. Which should help me get my confidence back.

And the best case scenario is that the other interviews could well and I could find myself with options. Which would be quite nice.

Either way I’m going to be moving to London. I just need to find a place to live where I can keep Natalie Portman.


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