Life, Working

Zip A Dee Do Dah

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“Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn’t know you left open.” ~ John Barrowmore

You may have noticed that I haven’t been around here in a while. I’d like to say that I’d missed you, but to tell you the truth I’ve been far too busy. I’ve barely had time to stand still for the last few weeks, and I definitely haven’t had five minutes to sit by myself in front of the internet and write a blog post.

So, what have I been doing?

Well, I started temping, at a finance company. I know I have a job to go to in London already, but this agency called and asked me if I was able to take this on for a few weeks in the meantime and I thought that it would be good to have a trial run at working again. To see if I really could go back to work full-time without everything falling apart again.

I’ve been there for three weeks now and it’s been fabulous. And yes, I do actually mean fabulous.

There are nine of us who all started together and we’re having a great time. Not only am I not freaked out about going to work I actually look forward to it.

It’s such a colossal relief. And it confirms that the problem at the charity I used to work for really was at fault; it’s not me. It’s not that I’m fundamentally flawed and incapable of holding down a job.

And I’m looking forward to moving to London even more now.

And when I haven’t been working I’ve been arranging things for my move.

And just going out doing stuff.

Seeing people. Going to the park, the cinema, the pub. Getting sushi. Dancing.

There’s been lots of dancing.

And it’s been fantastic. Absolutely, amazingly fantastic. I don’t know how it happened but all of a sudden I’m really, really happy.

I just thought I’d share that with you.

Don’t worry though. I don’t plan on abandoning you all. I intend to make time for more writing very soon.

In the meantime so very kind people have voted me as one of June’s Featured Blogger’s on 20SB. How about that!

Anyway. That’s what’s going on with me. How are you all?

21 thoughts on “Zip A Dee Do Dah”

  1. Yay! Came here to check on you, since I haven’t seen any post notifications in my mail box in a while, and somehow I missed this one. GREAT news! Hope your current absence is more of all going well… err… “fabulous” (I love that word)!


  2. I’m happy to see that things are going well for you (and that you got featured on 20SB!) I’ll be happy to see you back when you return. I won an award myself in your absence, so things have been good on my end, relatively speaking.


  3. So great to hear that, I’m so happy for you! Is Natalie Portman coming with you? Just be careful not to exaggerate, get all exhausted and crash again.

    By the way, remember when I told you about that interview I messed up? I’ve applied again, with a way better cover letter, improved CV and this time I’m prepared. Got my interview next week, let’s see how it goes this time! And I definitely won’t wear polyester this time.


    PS: I can’t say this enough, I’m so so so happy for you! 🙂


    1. She is, yes. I just couldn’t stand to give her up. I couldn’t look at her trusting little face and then give her away.

      I’m trying to make sure that I make enough time to make sure that I’m okay.

      That’s so great about the interview! How did it go? I’m so sorry, I’ve got so behind in my blog reading, I’d forgotten how much time of your time you spend working when you work!

      And thank you! Thank you so so so much 😀 xx


      1. They loved me (and my blog!) – but they want me for a more creative position. I’ll have another meeting with the marketing department, apparently they think I’d fit in there.
        I think marketing could be interesting, I just have never thought about choosing it as a career. We’ll see!

        How are you, Sarah? Hope you’re still as happy and busy!



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